Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I spent a while debating on whether to write a blog.  I knew the topic I wanted to write about.  I knew the source behind the urge to write.  My Passion?  Jesus Christ.  Now I know for a few out there reading this, eyes are rolling, and maybe this page is being closed....just at the mention of that name.  I urge you to hang on, it's going to be a fun ride. 

I had the source, but I needed the tone.  For days I was thinking about writing a serious, reverent, mellow blog strictly on my thoughts on the Word of God.  Talk about BORING!!! If you want that, look elsewhere. I realized that just isn't me.  I want to write a blog that just stands up and smacks you in the face.  Not only about an everyday walk with Christ, but how God makes me smile and laugh everyday. 

"Only God" is a phrase that comes out of my mouth often.  Only God could allow the ICY-HOT tube to look just like the Toothpaste while brushing my teeth.  Only God could laugh when I injured myself while dancing in the shower....twice.  Only God could allow these words to come out of my mouth while talking to a quadriplegic in a wheelchair: "Feel how heavy this is". 

Let me tell you a little about myself.  I am a Youth Pastor at an amazing church called The Ridge.  I also work full-time as an HVAC service-tech.  Once a week, I was blessed with an opportunity to perform ministry at Hope, Help and Healing for men being released from prison.  With three youth groups and a class Sunday mornings on top of all that, you may say I'm busy.  I say I'm blessed.  For all of you that knew me two years ago, you may laugh at this.  I was lucky if I had one thing on my plate, and I usually dropped that.  That's why I love Christ so much.  I fought Him hard.  It was all about ME.  That will be many a topic in future blogs. I ask that you take this journey with me.  Jesus Christ has given me so much, that I feel this passion bottling up and flowing out of me everyday. 

Only God could take someone as broken and crushed as I was and give a new life and a sense of how to see the funny in this crazy world.  Jesus Christ is my hero, my main man. Being Christian has been the time of my life.  This blog may not be for some.  I like to gear it to the people who don't like God, who don't think that God is awesome, or that being a Christian isn't cool.  I used to be all those people rolled into one.  Guess what?  God is fun, God is cool, God is awesome, and God is the reason for living.

I hope to learn as I write this.  I hope that God speaks through this.  I hope that as this blog progresses, some of you out there will believe in "hope". 

Here we go.....


1 comment:

  1. Matthew Alma! Who knew you were such a gifted writer?? I am looking forward to reading your future blogs!
