Sunday, June 19, 2011

My Father

"You must have had great parents."

That was a compliment that I received at work this week.  One of the best compliments that I could get.  I was working at a customer's house, trying to get their A/C to work, and I struck up a conversation with the owner.  He asked about the tattoo that I have on my arm.  I explained to him that after Christ was crucified, the men that would battle in His name would have this symbol on their shields.  They called themselves "Warriors for Christ", and so do I.  That conversation turned to my work with the youth, and the passion that I have for God.  As I was leaving the home, he said "You must have had great parents."  I let him know that  I do have great parents.

With today being Father's Day, I would like to tell you about my Dad. 

My Dad is the greatest man I have in my life.  Why?  Because he is always there for me. 

While in High School, I was always in three sports.  Cross Country, Basketball, and Track were my sports for three years, and in my fourth year I switched Cross Country for Football.  My Dad rarely missed any of my meets or games.  In Cross Country, you run out in a field for three miles and then circle your way back.  The people watching would literally get a 30 second glimpse of the runners from their vantage point.  My Dad would make sure to yell for me as I ran by, to let me know he was there.  In Basketball, I was never any good until my senior year.  I was the guy that checked in the game the last 30 seconds IF we were up by 30 or down by 30.  My Dad was always there, no matter how many minutes or seconds I played.  Track was the same way.  I ran the mile and two mile.  With each lap, he yelled out my name as I passed.  He let me know that he was there for me.  After each of my games and meets, he would come up and hug me.  He never told me what I needed to work on or what I did wrong.  He would just hug me and say four words: I'm proud of you. 

This didn't stop after High School.  Whether it was sitting and talking in the break room with me at Boise Cascade during my lunch break, or coming home early from vacation after I fell asleep at the wheel and wrecked his car, he was always there for me.  One of the best pictures I have is when he was holding my daughter right after she was born.  That's just the kind of Dad that I have. 

In September of 2004, I called my Dad from work.  I asked what he was doing that night.  I distinctly remember that he had meetings for church that he had to go to.  He asked why.  I broke down on the phone and told him that I had an addiction to pain killers.  He was at my house when I got home from work.  He had skipped the meetings to come over and be with me. 

I have tried my hardest to push my Dad out of my life with my actions in the past.  He has never waivered. 

After working with the guys at Hope, Help and Healing,  I realize how blessed I am to have my Dad.  Over 90% of these men don't have their father in their lives, and they haven't had one since an early age.  I've heard of abusive fathers, absent fathers, drug addicted fathers, alcoholic fathers, and even fathers in prison for murdering their mother.  My Dad is none of these.  My Dad is a spiritual, loving, faithful, man of all men.  He has shown me how to love my wife.  He has shown me how to love my daughter.  He has shown me how to stick to your guns when it comes to your faith.  But most of all, he has shown me how to be more than a father.  He has shown me how to be a Dad. 

I will spend the rest of my life trying to be as great a Dad as my father.  I have some amazing shoes to fill.  I just know that it's a gift and a blessing to be following such a great man.  I'll never consider myself as great a father as my Dad, because of how great he is.  I'm just thankful for the chance.  Happy Father's Day to the greatest man I know. 

I love you, Dad.

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